Friday, 27 March 2015

Neethu Francis...

Neethu Francis
You are a doctor now
With academic distinction…
Congratulations and
Prayerful best wishes!
What remains still is a year of
House Surgeonsy…
You have chosen
A life saving profession…
Yes, you can only save
And not create life
Which is the greatest
Of the Creator’s gifts…
We, humans could not
Enjoy life to its full
And that was what
Jesus came to offer…
This he made possible
Through his healing
Of the sick and sinners,
Seeking after the
Lost and the least,
The unwanted too…
This life saving profession
Has become an easy route
To make money
Bargaining with life…
The greatest of our rights is the
Right to life, that too with dignity,
Freedom and equality…
Strive your best to ensure
This right to all, more so the least…
MBBS is only a beginning and
You have much to learn to be
Wielding the wand of healing…
That means you have miles to go
Before you can really practice…
Let me wish you a great heart
Of care and compassion as
That of Jesus, the ultimate healer
And may he guide you and
Bless you in abundance
To make your touch
 A healing touch…

-          Fr. Pancretius
                                                                                                Priests’ Home, Kumarapuram
      9th Oct 2014

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