Monday, 28 March 2016

Reflections on readings...

Reflections on today’s (21.12.2014) readings:

People seem to be worried of accommodating elsewhere than in their hearts and lives… They will go any extend to build any structure by extracting whatever is needed for that when many of His don’t have a roof even over their heads…

As for the gospel, the narratives on the appearance of the angel to Zachariah and Mary are seemingly discriminatory, as two standards are used in both the cases… for the simple reason of questioning the angel was meted out with a punishment in the former while in the later, Mary was treated differently!

Why at all God should overcome the natural male contribution in His ‘son’s’ case… if male could be excluded, equally could he exclude feminine contribution too… as in the Hindu ‘mythologies’ he could bring his son from out of a flower like lotus and so on…

God seemingly stands begging for the consent of Mary…

Does it not point out to the greatness of man/humanity…. ‘God created man in his own image and likeness..’, ‘he created them little less than a god/angel..’ ‘be holy as my heavenly father is holy..’ 

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