Monday, 28 March 2016

Jesmi Silverius on her MBBS Graduation...

Dear Jesmimol,

Life is the most precious of God’s gifts
And as for we, the humans
Through our parents dear.
After birth it has to survive
In a rather hostile surroundings,
In constant threat of illness…

That is why we all long
To live a healthy life and
That was why Jesus came
Healing and preaching that
‘They may life, life in its fullness’ (Jn 10:10)

Jesmimol, you have meritoriously
Completed your studies in Medicine,
The art and science of health and healing…
It may take still more time
To be able to practice it really…

However, you need to be felicitated
On this great achievement of MBBS-
Bachelor of Medicine and of Surgery…
Hearty congratulations and
Prayerful best wishes!

May God, the source of life and
Jesus, His only Son be with you
To bring health and healing to all
Who come to you precisely for that...

Never yield to the constant temptation of
Commercializing this divine profession
And stand out as a humane/divine physician…
God bless you ever… SMILE!

-fr. pancretius/26.03.2016

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