Monday, 28 March 2016

Priesthood in crisis...

11th January 2016:
Priesthood in crisis:
Dear Friends,
Loving greetings of the still fresh New Year! Hope, this unexpected note finds you fine in your service to the Kingdom along with your people.
However far I drift away from the diocesan main stream, I feel troubled seeing some of our priests, especially the younger ones struggling with their life and ministry. The joy of being a disciple, in spite of its cost, is not really seen in us.  Self-worth and self-confidence don’t seem to lit up our countenance. There seems to be an element of fear and insecurity in us making us not bold enough to live our conviction and express it whenever needed. Quite naturally this affects our life and ministry with the people.
This can very well be my subjective perception making you, my brother priests, ignore, if not despise, it. Hence, I need to check it with each and every one of you, if you don’t mind to share your perception and conviction. That would enable us to be objective and search for solutions in whatever way possible.
It is high time, I believe, that we approach it boldly and find out ways and means to resolve it for our own good and that of our people who deserve much more than what they were given to this day.
Here are some questions which attempt at exploring our real concerns and problems and your valuable suggestions in addressing them positively for realizing the Kingdom here and now in our Trivandrum local church.
1.      Are you happy with your life as a priest?
a.       If not why?
b.      What would make you happy?
2.      How long are you a priest?
3.      How do you estimate your seminary formation?
a.       Satisfactory      b. Good           c. Exemplary
4.      Which was your major seminary?
5.      School – collegiate education
a.       Primary
b.      High School
c.       Higher Secondary
d.      College
                                                              i.      Regular ii. Distant Education iii. Subject
6.      What makes priesthood different from other professions?
7.      How would you expect a priest to be sustained/ maintained?
8.      Should he be an independent, paid minister?
9.      Do you think that a priest should live in solidarity with his people?
a.       If so, to what extent?
10.  What is the meaning of incarnation?
a.       How does it apply in our context as priest?
11.  What do you understand by being a disciple?
a.       Priesthood and discipleship – how do they differ from one another?
12.  How does your ‘spirituality’ help you to be happy and make others happy?
13.  Is there any difference between ‘spirituality’ and ‘religiosity’?
a.       If so, what it is?
14.  What is Eucharist for you?
a.       How does it help your shepherding?
                                                              i.      What is the meaning and relevance of ‘Mass Stipends’?
                                                            ii.      Can’t we dissociate stipends from Mass?
15.  How do you reconcile Eucharistic celebration and adoration?
a.       What is the justification of posh adoration chapels?
b.      What would happen to the Eucharistic presence in the parish church?
16.  Do you know your sheep and they know you?
a.       How do you get to know them?
                                                              i.      Liturgy             ii. Home visits             iii. Other social gatherings
17.  How can we compromise hierarchy/ authority in the church and service of Jesus?

18.  What is the mind of Jesus towards power, position and possession?

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