Monday, 28 March 2016

Motivating teachers...

A Teacher, the Best Social Engineer…
 Aloysious’ Higher Secondary School, Marthandamthurai
Friday, June 19, 2015
-          Aspirational Parents and the harm they do… (The Hindu, World View, p.9 of 10.6.15)
-          I’d give all wealth that years have piled/ the slow result of Life’s decay, to be once more a little child/ for one bright summer day.” –Lewis Carroll, ‘Solitude’
-           ‘எழுத்தறிவித்தவன் இறைவனாகும்’
-           ‘எண்ணென்ப ஏனை எழுத்தென்ப – இவ்விரண்டும்/ கண்ணென்ப வாழும் உயிர்க்கு.’ 392
-           ‘கண்ணுடையவரென்பர் கற்றோர் – முகத்திரண்டு/ புண்ணுடையார் கல்லாதவர்’  393
-           ‘தொட்டனைத்தூறும் மணற்கேணி - மாந்தர்க்கு/ கற்றனைத்தூறும் அறிவு’396
-           ‘அறிவுடையார் எல்லாம் உடையார்-அறிவிலார்/ என்றுடையரேனும் இலர்.’430
-           ‘மாதா, பிதா, குரு, தெய்வம்.’
-           ‘അക്ഷരം അഗ്നിയാണ്, അറിവ് ശക്തിയാണ്’
-           സംഘടിച്ചു ശക്തരാവുക, വിദ്യ നേടി പ്രഭുദ്ധരാവുക’ –നാരായണ ഗുരു
-           Promitheus – stealing fire from the gods –
-           ‘Truth will make you free’ Jesus/ Jn 8:32
-           ‘Asathoma sat gamaya/ thamasoma jyothir gamaya/ mrithyorma amirthumgamaya’
-           ‘Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man.’ Lk 2:52
-           ‘…that men may know wisdom and instruction, understand words of insight, receive instruction in wise dealing, righteousness, justice and equity; that prudence may be given to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth – the wise man also hear and increase in learning, and the man of understanding acquire skill, to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles.’ Prov 1:2
-           ‘He knows that he knows, he is wise, follow him; he knows that he knows not, he is ignorant, teach him; he knows not that he knows, he is asleep, wake him; he knows not that he knows not, he is an idiot, shun him.’
Marthandamthurai: A Statistics…
[Socio-Economic & Pastoral Survey – A Report and Analysis: Thoothoor Forane]
·         Families           : 1057/10004 (10.57%)
·         Houses            : 73.23% have houses – the largest in the forane
o    APL – 16 (1.51%)
o    BPL - 32 (3.03%)
o    N/A – 1009 (95.46%)
·         Population       : 4199 (10.83%)
o    Study facilities at home:
§  Table/Chair     : 333 (31.50%)
§  Study time       : 217 (20.53%)
§  Text book        : 90 (8.51%)
o    Parental Study Monitoring:
§  Always             : 504 (47.68%)
§  Occasionally    : 118 (11.16%)
§  Exam time       : 42 (3.97%)
o    Community Support:
§  Monetary         : 71 (6.72%)
§  Facilities          : 50 (4.73%)
§  Supervision      : 32 (3.03%)
§  Free tuition      : 118 (11.16%)
§  Guidance         : 71 (6.72%)
-           Educational Qualification:
o    Illiterate           : 322 (7.67%)
o    Not studying    : 185 (4.41%)
o    Mere literate    : 518 (12.34%)
o    Degree             : 256 (6.10%)
o    PG                   : 93 (2.21%)
o    M.Phil/Ph D    : 34 (0.81%
o    Professional     : 79 (1.88%)
o    Technical        : 30 (0.71%)
-           Career:
o    Jobless/Unemploy       : 2399 (6.19%)
o    Fisherman                   : 889 (2.29%)
o    Teacher                       : 76 (0.20%)
o    Engineer                      : 21 (0.05%)
o    Pensioner                    : 21 (0.05%)
o    IT Professional           : 17 (0.04%)
o    Driver                          : 13 (0.03%)
o    Jawan                           : 7 (0.02%)
o    Nuns                            : 6 (0.02%)
o    Nurse                          : 5 (0.01%)
o    Priests                          : 5 (0.01%)
o    Gazette officer             : 4 (0.01%)
o    Doctor                         : 2 (0.01%)
o    Class IV                      : 2 (0.01%)

UN: Anti-Child Labor Day 12th June: ‘‘No’ to child labor and ‘yes’ to quality education.
Right to Education [The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009]
Literacy: The National Literacy Mission defines literacy as ‘acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to one’s day to day life.’
Spread and diffusion of literacy is generally associated with essential trait of today’s civilization such as modernization, urbanization, industrialization, communication and commerce…
Functional literacy implies: (i) self-reliance in 3 Rs, (ii) awareness of the causes of deprivation and the ability to move towards amelioration of their condition by participating in the process of development, (iii) acquiring skills to improve economic status and general well being, and (iv) imbibing values such as national integration, conservation of environment, women’s equality, observance of small family norms.
Illiteracy is the mother of all issues as it gives birth to many other issues like poverty, unemployment, child-labor, female foeticide, population burst and many more.
-          In addition to certification, many educational institutions especially within the U.S require that prospective teachers pass a background check and psychiatric evaluation to be able to teach in classroom. This is not always the case with adult further learning institutions but is fast becoming the norm in many countries as security[14] concerns grow.

A Passion for Teaching and Learning
[Laurie Barron, the principal of Smokey Road Middle School in Newnan, GA, is the 2013 MetLife/NASSP National Middle Level Principal of the Year.]
-          …productive leader puts people first and that the best leader serves others. A leader’s focus cannot be on test scores, mandates, programs, or funding (or lack thereof). The focus must be on students and teachers.
-          Effective school leaders must first focus on personalizing the learning environment and promoting collaborative leadership to establish a school culture that is open to and passionate about improving curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices. Building relationships, working collaboratively, and promoting relevance and rigor in the classroom help ensure not only students’ academic success but also their development as well-rounded, productive citizens who give back to their community.
-          …we want to be better today than we were yesterday and better tomorrow than we are today, so we courageously and professionally challenge one another to continue to grow and to never accept less than the best. We work hard together, and we have fun together.
-          Professional development for staff members is always evident in great schools.
-          …being actively involved in what happens in the classroom, from teachers’ instructional methods to students’ learning outcomes.
-          Providing meaningful professional development is imperative for continued growth and student achievement.
-          …written feedback to teachers each time they are visited in their classes with observation tool.
-          Great Teachers Do Differently: 17 Things That Matter Most: 
-           “Base Every Decision on the Best People.” …better support high-performing students and help them achieve at even higher levels, which will also provide a model for students who sometimes lack focus and limit their academic growth.
-          By focusing efforts on what students are doing well instead of on what a few students may do to distract from the learning environment, she already perceives a positive change in classroom climate. Being aware of the daily climate helps her formatively self-assess as she implements her growth plan.
-          At the middle and end of the year, she will also complete summative self-assessments by comparing previous and current student achievement and student perception data that rate each teacher in the areas of relationships, relevance, and rigor.
-          …personalized instruction for each student.
-          …co-teaching model by which teachers work together to master content and instructional strategies.
-          Our three-teacher math classrooms, math and reading remediation classes, grade repair program, and behavior intervention program support struggling students, while such opportunities as accelerated course offerings and our media center to provide enrichment opportunities for high performing students.
-          …mastery-based assessment model
-          …implementing a rigorous curriculum using effective instructional strategies
-          …ensure that we are assessing students’ knowledge of the curriculum effectively and equitably as well.
-          …with more-objective class grades that reflect content mastery rather than student behaviors, students, parents, and teachers have a true understanding of a student’s actual achievement and know whether a student needs additional intervention or acceleration.
-          When we build on what we have in common, it is much easier to work on what we do not have in common.
-          …recognize staff members for perfect attendance, for going the extra mile for another staff member or a student, and for representing our school with pride and distinction—with the majority of the recognitions being given by the staff members to one another.
-          We work daily to fulfill our school’s mission of Striving to Reach and Motivate Students though our vision of ensuring that each student attends school in a safe environment, feels valued as an individual, and then learns the appropriate curriculum for future success.
-          Where are we now?
-          Where are we heading to?
-          Where are we coming from?
-          What have happened to people of our age/culture/ history/faith/language etc…
-          In that line where do we stand?
-          Do we need to grow still?
-          If so, how?
-          Education….

-Adv (Fr.) Pankiras

St. Aloysius’ Higher Secondary School, Marthandamthurai
Friday, June 19, 2015
A Teacher, the Best Social Engineer…
a.     ஆசிரியப்பணி தேர்வு செய்ய காரணமேன்? ………………………………………………………………….....
b.     எவ்வளவு காலமாக பணி செய்கிறீர்கள்? ……………………………………………………………………………
c.     வேறு எங்கேனும் இப்பணிக்காக முயன்றுள்ளீரா? (அரசுப்பள்ளி, அரசு நிதியுதவிப்பள்ளி மற்றும் தனியார் பள்ளிகளில்...………………………………...................................
d.     இப்பணியில் நிறைவு/திருப்தி தோன்றுகிறதா? …………………………………………………………………
e.     ‘வேறேதேனும் பணிக்கு சென்றிருக்கலாம்’ என்று வருந்தியதுண்டா? ………………………
f.         ஊதியம் தரும் இந்த பணிக்கு மேலாக, வேறு ஏதேனும் மக்கள் எழுச்சி, விழிப்புணர்ச்சி, சமூக மேம்பாட்டு பணியில் ஈடுபட்டதுண்டா? அதனால் உங்கள் மாணவர்கள் யாருக்கேனும் நாட்டமோ, ஈடுபாடோ தோன்றியதாக நினைக்கின்றீரா? .........................................................................................................................................
g.     ஆசிரியப்பணி வாழ்வில் உங்கள் உள்ளத்தை தொட்ட ஏதேனும் நிகழ்வுகள் சொல்லலாமா? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
h.     உங்கள் தூண்டுதலால், வழிகாட்டுதலால், முன்மாதிரியால் உயர்ந்த ஏதேனும் மாணவர்கள் பெயர் நினைவிருக்கிறதா...ஓரிரு பெயர்கள் சொல்லலாமா? ................................................................................................................................................................................
i.      உங்கள் மாணவ/மாணவியரில் யாரையேனும் அக்கரையோடு பின்தொடர்ந்ததுண்டா? ...........................................................................................................................
j.      பணிக்காக அல்லாமல் பள்ளிக்காக ஏதேனும் நிதியுதவி அளித்ததுண்டா? ...............
k.     பள்ளிக்கு வெளியே காசுக்காக பாடம் சொல்லிக்கொடுப்பதுண்டா? ...............................
l.      பள்ளி நிர்வாகத்துக்கு, பெற்றோருக்கு உங்கள் பரிந்துரைகள் ஏதேனும்? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
m.   உங்கள் விருப்பப்பாடத்தை உண்மையிலேயே நீங்கள் விரும்பியதுண்டா? ..............
n.     அந்த பாடத்தில் கடைசியாக நீங்கள் வாசித்த புத்தகமேது, அது எப்போது? ................................................................................................................................................................................
o.     அதனுடைய இன்றைய நிலை/வளர்ச்சி பற்றிய தேவையான தகவல்/அறிவு இருப்பதாக நினைக்கின்றீரா? ...............................................................................................................
p.     அது சம்பந்தமாக ஏதேனும் வெளியீடுகள் வாசிப்பதுண்டா? ..............................................
q.     ஏதேனும் நூல் நிலையத்தில் நீங்கள் உறுப்பினரா? கடைசியாக வாசித்த புத்தகமேது, எப்போது? .............................................................................................................................
r.     செய்தித்தாள் வீட்டில் உண்டா? வாசிக்கும் பழக்கம் உண்டா? பிள்ளைகளையும் பிறரையும் அதற்காக உற்சாகப்படுத்துவதுண்டா? ....................................................................
s.     ஆசிரியப்பணி குறித்த உங்கள் கருத்து/மதிப்பீடு, மிக சுருக்கமாக? ................................................................................................................................................................................
t.      வேறு ஏதேனும், குறிப்பாக, கல்வி சம்பந்தமாக சொல்ல இருந்தால்..........................
u.     உங்கள் பெயர் எழுத ஆட்சேபனை இல்லை என்றால், எழுதலாமே................................

[தேவையெனில் அதிகப்படியான காகிதங்களை பயன்ப்படுத்தலாம்]
-Adv (Fr.) Pankiras

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