Saturday, 21 December 2013

Socio-Economic & Pastoral Survey 2011, Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum

Socio-Economic & Pastoral Survey 2011, A Report and Analysis…
Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum

At long last, that is almost after 75 years after being part of a diocese/archdiocese of our own we have accomplished the feat of knowing ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses, through a survey! A big thanks to all concerned for this great but belated accomplishment. Now it is published and made available… But I wonder whether it will reach the people who really matters! I would very much like that this be made available in the public domain in Malayalam for people to know and respond accordingly. Till that is in place a summary in their own words with its salient features won’t be an extravaganza…

‘…one fifth of the families are both homeless and landless, while majority of the families live in very small plots of land and small houses.’

‘…the educational and employment conditions of the families and people are far from desirable…a sizable section does not care for their children’s studies… unprecedented attention is required to address the problems in education sector… (as) education is closely and directly related to all other aspects of life and work… Integrated long term and short term programs are required to address this issue.’
‘The literacy rate is 90.61% which is below the Kerala state average (93.91%). Since this is definitely a cause for concern… very urgent and intensive planning may be done to enhance the education levels. Only educated people will get more gainful employment and income, which alone will enhance their asset base including land and house and social status… at the root of all negative situations… this low level of education is found.

‘…a sizable section depends on public toilets… while a substantial section goes to open air for defecation.’ (needless to say that this especially adds to the self-esteem of people).

While 11.38% avail drinking water from nearby houses, 6.76% get it from public well and 4.57% even purchase it. 78.53% of this last category is seen in a particular parish of a forane…

‘…a large section of people (40.21%) does not have any place to drain their waste water. It implies that they just let go their waste water in the open space. This has to be read with the revelation that the largest section (39.03%) dumps their solid waste into the open air and another large section throws away their waste into the water sources…, mostly sea and streams or unused wells and ponds. When their immediate environment is polluted, the nearby water sources are polluted… The most important reason behind is the lack of responsibility and civic sense…’

[The concluding remarks in Chapter 3, Findings and Recommendations]

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