Saturday, 4 October 2008

Seaweed; The Sea Urchin and Starfish


I am the seaweed of the storm
dashed by the surf:
the stirrings of shipwrecks
and the storm's hands
moved and instructed me:
here you have my cold flowers;
my stimulated submission
to the wind's judgement:
I survive the water,
the salt, the fishermen,
with my elastic latitude,
and my vestments of iodine.
[Pablo Neruda]

The Sea Urchin:

The sea urchin is the sun of the sea,
centrifugal and orange,
full of quills like flames,
made of eggs and iodine.

The sea urchin is like the world:
round, frgile, hidden:
wet, secret, and hostile:
the sea urchin is like love.
[Pablo Neruda]


When the stars in the sky
ignore the firmament
and go off to sleep by day,
the stars of the water greet
the sky burried in the sea
inaugurating the duties
of the new undersea heavens.
[Pablo Neruda]

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