Monday, 6 June 2011

Cruelty even to the dead!

In one context Jesus said, "let the dead burry their dead." We were told that he wept at the tomb of Lazar, his friend and the brother of Martha and Mary. An honourable burial is the right of an individual in India. This was seemingly denied to a poor person in one of the parishes of our diocese! That person like many in our villages don't have a land of his own, not even the land on which his hut is put up may not be his! It is the Church's, that means that it is everybody's. Simply because he opted out for a different denomination within Christianity, he is denied of that last and very basic right. It is indeed a human right violation.

Once such differing people are denied of the right to be burried in the cemetry, governments should provide an atlernative, if that denial is OK with the government! Or else what has happened in the case in reference now would happen again, that is the poor deceased was forced to be buried in their own house! This was later telecasted in the TV saying that there is bad smell emitting from the burial place as the body could not be buried sufficiently deep due to various reasons.

Inhuman attitude to this extent is not Christian at all. Even Christ could be ashamed of this to happen in his name! The responsible people must come together to sort out such grave concerns and save humanity and its delicate conscience and concerns.

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