Today, the archdiocese organized a reception to all the winners from the archdiocese in the recent local body, local self government, elections. They were around some 50. And the Hall in which the reception was arranged could accomodate hardly that much number! And there were practically no one to welcome them other than the employees of the TSSS and the accompanying friends of the elected representatives! The welcome speech was so short and without any warmth or vibrancy! The presidential address was not at all inspiring, empowering or challenging the representatives or the community in general, forget about the language and content. The archbishop started saying that he has no 'vested interest!' But he conveniently ignored the interest of the community which is dreaming for a day like this to muster enough power to grab its share from the sanctum of power centres. He as usual projected a simplistic and personal approach whereby ignoring the greater interest of the community. He seems to think that he knows everything, including the intricacies
of politices, especially power politics, when he can't even manage this tiny diocese of some 100+ priests and otherwise simple and good 'faithful'.The affair was seemingly organized by the Laity Commission presided by the VG, who managed in proxy with the help of the Social Action ministry making them a laughing stock!
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