Among humans, fathers and mothers also may show favoritism towards one of their children, but never can they really ask the favored son to hate or annihilate the others. Unfortunately, this is what we see of the God of the Bible! The authors of the Bible have painstakingly prepared the ground for this attitude by making God to be pleased by Abel rather than the first born Cain, Abraham choosing Isaac over Ishmael, his first born, Jacob coveting the birth right of Esau, his elder brother with the help of their mother Rebekah by cheating the aged and rather blind father Isaac and so on.
Can understand a God coming to the rescue of an exploited and persecuted people; but can't understand a God who kills all the first born of a people and brings about all sorts of natural calamities over them for the cruelties of their rulers and their 'yes' men. This trend was followed by the judges and kings of the 'chosen' people and they literally annihilated other people without any prick of conscience. Even prophets stood supporting such atrocities!
Human evolution may justify the survival of the fittest. Also in the struggle to have land to live, graze the herds and cultivate, people might have faught each other and might have even harmed, hurt or killed one another. But this to happen in the name of a God is very crude and cruel. This developed to the horrifying fundamentalism over the ages of history. Humanity is painfully paying for this today more than anything else.
When Christians hijacked the Jewish scriptures made it their Old Testament, they also subscribed to this view which emboldened them to carry out the crusuades against the non-christians, especially the Muslims and later the Inquisition against the rebel catholics and non-catholics.
True God can never choose one over and against the other of his people or creation. He is the father of the prodigal son as narrated by Jesus, he is the one who goes after the lost one, leaving the ninety nine in the wilderness, and while finding the lost one carries it over his shoulders and brings it back to celebrate with his people.
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